A dull day and I had the bright idea of taking in the old camera. I revisited the flower-filled lupine patch of recent days and tried a few flower shots. I got a couple of nice photos of beetles and/or flies on the same white flowers I captured yesterday, but I think it's a little bit of a cheat to use the same subject twice (especially two days in a row). There are exceptions, of course, but it would be easy to "game" the project by finding, say, a different daisy every day they're out. I'd feel like a fraud doing that.
After a few otherwise unsatisfactory flower shots (especially the California poppies: the old camera simply can't focus on anything yellow against a green background) I sat down on the bench and looked around for inspiration. A few large blackberry branches are snaking their way out of the flower bed and out into the wide-open space beyond. They're large and quite intimidating, armed with all those thorns, but seeing them gave me the idea for today's photo. I put the camera in macro mode, focussed on a particularly large thorn, and aimed it along the branch for a nice perspective view. It worked.
Bramble thorns
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