Well that wasn't so hard now, was it? :-) Nice to end the week on a sunny note, too. Even more remarkable is that the whole weekend is forecast to be warm and sunny. I think the locals will like that...
I think I can honestly say that the cycling got easier as the week progressed. Maybe I was pacing myself better, or maybe my muscles were getting used to it, but the hill up to UBC doesn't seem so daunting right now. This morning I rode along the beach and tackled the big hill on Marine Drive that everybody hates. Usually I avoid the hill mostly because the route adds an extra mile to my journey, and I seem to be in a hurry to get in to work. This morning I couldn't care less :-) It was Friday.
By the afternoon the clouds had cleared and the sun was shining, just as predicted by Environment Canada. (They got it right for once!) I wandered out for some sun and revisited the purple flowers I'd checked out in the rain yesterday. I also got a test shot of them a few weeks ago when they were still in bud, looking like purple poppy heads, and I hadn't seen them at any intermediate stages. Now they were massive, 4-inch wide spheres of tiny purple flowers. A bumble-bee landed on the one I was sizing up, and I followed it to another, nicer, flower where it joined another. I rarely get bees on flowers so I was pleased to grab this chance and make it my picture for the day.
The world of bees
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