As soon as I'd opened my mouth about getting a photo early in the day I thought that there is one way to beat that: take a photo just after midnight. And last night that's what I did :-) I waited until just after midnight and set up the camera on a tripod to capture the crescent moon close to the horizon. Being so close to setting, the photo isn't very sharp - I could clearly see the effects of atmospheric turbulence in the sequence of shots I took, with different parts of the moon looking fuzzier than others at different times. I decided to leave the streetlights on 4th Ave in the frame to add some perspective, as it's a well-known illusion that the moon looks larger when close to the horizon.
Eight minutes into the day. There's clearly some scope to better that ;-) I'm not so sure I'm confident enough to leave taking a photo until just before midnight...
Setting crescent moon
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