Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 80: Game five

Funny how coincidences come about. We bought a new car tonight, the fifth one we've ever owned (and the first that's not red). And tonight was game 5 of the Stanley Cup final and Vancouver needed to bounce back after two absolute drubbings by Boston. And they did - just. A 1-0 victory in the last few minutes. Cue wild celebrations in town. Every other car is beeping its horn which made for entertaining viewing (or rather, listening) from the balcony. For weeks now the buses have been alternating the route information with support for the Canucks, much like they did during the Winter Olympics. It's been on my mind to get a record of it, and tonight I snapped a few shots of different buses as they drove by, hoping to get one that looked decent. I think this one will do. Game 6 is in Boston on Sunday, and it'll be a nail-biter for Canucks fans. Can they win the Stanley Cup?

Go Canucks Go
On the buses, 10 Jun 2011

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