It's Monday again and I completely forgot to take the camera in to work with me. Fortunately it was a nice end to the day, and after watching the Canucks win their way into the Western final in the Stanley Cup, I took the car down to the beach. I opted to get a slightly different view and parked up at Hastings Mill Park next to the yacht club. I like this vantage point for a couple of reasons: it's a nice angle on the city and it's where we watched fireworks the weekend after we first moved to Vancouver back in 2004.
I started off taking a few tree photos, trying to get a good shot of the blossoms of a big-leaf maple. Looking up, I saw a bird of prey in the upper branches, which turned out to be an osprey. It spent most of its time looking up, perhaps wary of crows or eagles, but definitely not fishing. The sun was reflecting off a couple of downtown high-rises, casting nice long bright stripes on the water.
A thought occurred to me as I wondered about alternative photos, and I was reminded of a set of steps which led down to what is a minimal beach at high tide. I walked over and went down the steps. The tide was out though heading back in, and a heron was down at the tide line. I startled the bird as I approached and as it flew I panned and snapped a photo, not expecting it work. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised that it did. But I was losing light and the best reflections off the buildings had faded. I tried a few shots but wasn't happy with any as the sun sank behind a cloud. I'll save those for another day.
Reflecting on Vancouver
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