Today passed without me even thinking about getting outside for a photo, and it was with some trepidation that I set off home wondering what I could get tonight. Last night, the slender crescent moon was close to Venus in the sky, making for a beautiful sight. I looked up to see where they were, not believing that I'd see them due to the cloud cover. Lo and behold, through the clouds, Venus and the Moon were shining brightly, along with Jupiter a little higher in the sky. Now for the next challenge - holding a small camera steady enough to get a decent picture. Zooming in for a detail shot was a no-go, but at full wide angle, I could easily get all three in the picture. My exposure time was still quite long at half a second, but I leaned my elbows on the bike lockers, took a deep breath and took a handful of shots. And as has been the case so many times before, one of them worked well enough to post.
Jupiter, the Moon and Venus
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