- I have to say that the whole photo-a-day concept has become part of every day life, much to my surprise. I don't fret about it as much as did six months ago, though I still have days where I don't feel inspired - I just try to make those few photos count.
- While I have been less than happy with the image quality from the S3IS, and I've worked hard to make the photos from the SLR as good as humanly possible, buying the SX230HS was one of the best things I could have done. I no longer feel constrained by the "poor" image quality of the former, and I don't have to make a choice of lens with respect to the latter. I also feel freed up from trying to get a perfect-quality photo. I have an unobtrusive, versatile camera I can slip into my pocket every single day, and that has made a huge difference to the way I feel about this project.
- Having a camera I'm happy to use has been vital to getting satisfactory photos. My definition of happy includes good low-light performance. I wouldn't dare use the S3IS on anything other than the ISO 100 setting - under certain conditions, I'm happy to let the new SX230HS go up to ISO 1600. Plus its image-stabilization is superb.
- The Flickr set has filled out quite nicely, though the growth of this project has been to the detriment of our other photos (of which we have a huge backlog).
- I will do almost anything to avoid taking a photo indoors - only 14 of the 330 photos so far have an indoor subject. That's only 4.2%.
- Really? 90 % already? Where has the year gone? Mind you, I have to be careful that I don't get so carried away with being this close to the end that I get complacent and miss a day or end up with something I really don't like.
My photo today was taken from the Burrard Street bridge, a location I hobbled to from nearby Kitsilano hoping for nice light on the city. That didn't happen, but the little ferry boats doing their dance on the water always attract my attention.
False Creek ferry
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