I forgot my camera today, so I'll have to get the photo I planned for yesterday tomorrow. If you see what I mean :-) I ended up relying on that good old fallback, sunset, to provide something worth taking a picture of. I stepped out onto the balcony as the sun dropped below the horizon and hoped to see some colour. A few nice clouds were dotted around the sky and I photographed a few of them. I found myself going back to one in particular, almost directly overhead, as I could see some interesting structure that I hoped I could pick out later. The sunset only got more colourful from then on, and at one point all the clouds in the sky were lit up a wonderful deep pink.
But in the end I went for my interesting cloud. The original photo was low in contrast, so I had to adjust the levels quite a bit (which has a detrimental effect on the colours, causing some nasty posterization) but a little dab of noise reduction and a minor boost of the saturation got me as close as I could get. I could probably do better processing from raw, but I haven't made that leap yet.
Now the structure in the clouds is obvious, and it immediately brought to mind the kind of contrasty, roiling clouds seen in the paintings of Turner and Constable. Hence today's title.
Constable clouds
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