Today started out very, very wet and I wondered if I'd get chance to find anything worth taking a picture of. To my amazement, the rain stopped, the clouds lifted, and it turned into a pleasant, if cloudy day. While I was waiting for my afternoon coffee, I was tempted to take a picture of the pile of Smarties cookies for sale, but I think I'll save that for a day when I have the SLR. I went for a wander afterwards, taking in the view from the grassy knoll of the Storm the Wall event. It was the men's Ironman semi-final and there was a steady stream of guys wearing nothing more than runners and shorts/speedos making their final assault on the wall.
I took a few action shots and walked on, following the course back towards my office for a while before detouring round in front of the library. I passed a couple of girls sitting half watching the runners when I heard one of them exclaim "Oh my god - he's naked! He's totally naked!" It took me a minute to realize they were talking about one of the competitors! Well, that would certainly make for an, err, interesting shot as he went over the wall... I feel safer posting this one instead. :-)
Storming the wall
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