Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 128: Long ships

But fortunately not of the Viking variety... ;-)

Perhaps we're beginning to get a summer after all. A fine morning and I found myself biking to work via the beach route. I stopped off at the far western end of Spanish Banks to admire the view before tackling the hill. The tide was low and I was hoping to see some eagles. That hope was in vain, and although I saw one it was too far away to photograph. But this ship caught my eye. Through the lens, it looked long and thin (almost sleek) and dominated the scene. The line of the ship was echoed by the alternating water and sand on the beach. The telephoto lens compressed the distance and made it look even bigger behind the people walking their dogs down at the low-tide line. I looked up the name of the ship and found that it's 300 m (1000 ft) long. That's a long ship.

Azul Legenda
Spanish Banks, 28 Jul 2011

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